Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get to know God from the book "The Call" get your copy today @ www.eunicemawussi.com

. He said,
“I love you, you don’t even know how much.
Sometimes I confuse you because if I let you continue in your sound mind, you will mess up what I’m doing in your life at that particular time.
Sometimes I get you sick so that you cannot go out and fall into sin.
Sometimes I delayed my promise so you can learn how to trust and how to wait.
Sometimes I cause people to let you down, so you can learn how to lean on me. 
Sometimes I pushed your families and friends away so I can get your undivided attention. 
Sometimes I let your loved ones die so you can be mad at me and then realize that your life will vanish just like them if you don’t change your ways.
Sometimes I don’t give people children so they can learn how to take care of others’ children.
I’m everywhere, and in everything. I’m the wing, the water, the bread of life, the poor and the homeless, the king, the servant, the lion, the lamb, the king, the advocate, the mediator, and Messiah.” 

Friday, April 15, 2011

God's Call

God is God and man is man and love is what draws them to each other. God is love and man is created out of the image of God. Therefore, man needs love to be able to understand God. God so loved the world that He wanted to make it a better place to live, for love to reign, and to rule the world.
God and man have to work together, which begins with the understanding that the world is like a business for God. He needs money, supervisors, lawyers, insurance agents, a security department, human resources, accounting department, and so on to make the business successful. He calls, prepares, equips, and sends away his servants to work in one of these areas